
Creative Portfolio

Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here or create a ticket on our support forum. Thanks so much!


Rigor it’s clean and professional html template, is perfect for both agencies and creative studios but also for modern artist & creative people

This template is a responsive layout with 12 columns. The general template structure is the same throughout the template. Here is the general structure.


We are using 4 css sources in this template.

  1. style.css - Contains all of the specific stylings for the template.
  2. white_version.css - Contains all of the specific stylings to change the template color scheme to white.
  3. animate.css & animsition.min.css - Contains all of the specific stylings for the included animations.
  4. all.min.css - Contains all of the specific stylings for FontAwesome.
  5. bootstrap.min.css - Contains all of the specific stylings for Bootstrap elements (grid,...).
  6. responsive.css - Contains all of the specific responsive stylings.
  7. swiper.min.css - Contains all of the specific stylings for Swiper slider.
style.css is separated into sections using:
          Reset Css
          PAGE BANNER
          CONTACT FORM
          MENU OVERLAY
If you would like to edit a specific section of the site, simply find the appropriate label in the CSS file, and then scroll down until you find the appropriate style that needs to be edited.

Lets start editing the template. Open index.html file and follow the steps below.

Most of the edits are the same for all versions.

Header - Logo

  1. Replace "images/logo.png" with your logo url.


This is the basic structure.
  1. Replace MENU_ITEM_TITLE with the name of the item.
  2. Replace MENU_ITEM_URL with an external link to the page.
  3. Apply the same instructions for every menu item. You can add multiple menu items.

Main Slider

This is the basic structure of the main slider.








  1. Replace MAIN_TEXT with the main idea of the website.
  2. Replace SLIDE_TITLE with the slide title.
  3. Replace SLIDE_IMAGE with the slide image URL.
  4. Replace LIST_SUBTITLE with the subtitle of the list itme on the main slider.
  5. Replace LIST_SUBTITLE with the title of the list item on the main slider.





Send e-mail



  1. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_TITLE with the title of the About section.
  2. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_DESC with the description of the About section.
  3. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_SUBTITLE with the subtitle of the About section.
  4. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_GET_IN_TOUCH with the contact form URL.
  5. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_IMAGE with the image URL.
  6. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_CLIENTS_DESC with the clients section description.
  7. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_CLIENTS_ITEM_TITLE with the clients item title.
  8. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_SERVICES_TITLE with the title of the services section.
  9. Replace ABOUT_SECTION_SERVICES_ITEMS_TITLE with the title of the services item.


  1. Replace WORK_PORTFOLIO_ITEM_TITLE with the title of the portfolio item.
  2. Replace WORK_PORTFOLIO_ITEM_URL with the URL of the portfolio item.
  3. Replace WORK_PORTFOLIO_ITEM_IMAGE with the image URL of the portfolio item.

Portfolio Item





View Project
  1. Replace PORTFOLIO_SINGLE_ITEM_TITLE with the title of portfolio item.
  2. Replace PORTFOLIO_SINGLE_ITEM_DESC with the description of the portfolio item.
  3. Replace PORTFOLIO_SINGLE_ITEM_SUBTITLE with the subtitle of the portfolio item.
  4. Replace PORTFOLIO_SINGLE_ITEM_PROJECT_URL with the project external URL.
  5. Replace PORTFOLIO_SINGLE_ITEM_IMAGE with the image URL.




  • want to talk?


  • Address


  • Phone


We all know how important your information is. They are always safe with us.

Send Message

  1. Replace CONTACT_TITLE with the title of the contact section.
  2. Replace CONTACT_ADDR with the contact address.
  3. Replace CONTACT_EMAIL with the contact email.
  4. Replace CONTACT_PHONE with the contact phone.

Page Contact Form




contact us
  1. Replace CONTACT_FORM_TITLE with contact form title.
  2. Replace CONTACT_FORM_DESC with the contact form decription.
  3. Replace CONTACT_FORM_PAGE_URL with the contact page URL.


  1. Replace FOOTER_COPYRIGHT_TEXT with the copyright text.
  2. Replace FOOTER_SOCIAL_TITLE with the social item title.
  3. Replace FOOTER_SOCIAL_URL with the social item URL.

Change to Template White theme

Our Template also has the white version. To get one please go to Template folder and check for white_version/index.html.

Thats it. You are done. Now your website is ready to launch.

How to rate this item

Just click http://themeforest.net/downloads and you will see our template among other purchased items.
Your review helps us to support this product and create more. Thank you!

This template imports some javascript source below.

jQuery plugins
  1. jQuery
  2. animsition
  3. ScrollMagic
  4. Swiper
  5. Lettering.JS
  6. textillate.js
Icon fonts
  1. Font Awesome
  1. Poppins

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.
